Magical Thinking: KEVIN JONES!

What magical thinking have you engaged in lately?

I’ve been imagining that if I hold very still nothing will change for a few moments. This has been a very disappointing exercise. But I tried again while writing this. 

If you were a magician, what would be your best trick?

I would transport myself to another dimension and have deep, revealing experiences while my body remains wherever it happens to be. No one could tell I wasn’t there. If you ask me a question it would break the spell and I would become irritated. I may already perform this trick for very small audiences. 

Do you know someone who has a ~magical touch~? What is it?

I did. Every woman my mother knew thought she was their best friend.  And each of them were.

This seems like a good moment to hold still and see what happens... Hang on… 

Nope, still changing.

What has been your favorite magical moment in your life?

Two competing moments - meeting my mother and meeting my birth mother 50 some-odd years later. Neither had to happen, both seemed impossible. And yet without them I’m nothing.

No more questions? That’s my cue. I’m off.

See you at Cherry Picking 2022. 

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