Magical Thinking: CLARE MOTTOLA!

What magical thinking have you engaged in lately?

That truth, goodness, compassion and sanity are hiding somewhere in our nation’s leadership and the next chapter will be about our collective liberation on a planet without an expiration date.


If you were a magician, what would be your best trick?

Definitely sawing people in half. No idea why. But Chris Tomaino would be my magician partner. And we would be so good at this trick. I can just tell it’d be our jam. 


Do you know someone who has a ~magical touch~? What is it?

Fellow CP co-producers, Lily Bellow and JJ Loonam, turn whatever they touch into gold. Like I have watched them turn a stew of poo into a web of beauty in all things every damn time. I can’t figure out how they do it. It makes me mad. Because I’m jealous. I’m still working it out in therapy.


What has been your favorite magical moment in your life so far?

There are billions of moments and I’m still counting. Obviously whenever my kids tell me they love me, I’m pretty convinced magic is real. But a top-shelf contender is being held in a long, warm embrace by Michelle Obama. I haven’t bathed since.

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