Magical Thinking: JOHN P. LOONAM!
What magical thinking are you engaged in lately?
I find that a lot of my thinking around covid has been magical thinking – I imagine that it is gone when I want it to be gone. I pretend that it is only communicable when doing something I don’t like, but no one gets it having dinner with friends or going to hear music or a play, right?
If you were a magician, what would be your best trick?
I would like to be a pickpocket. One of those that can take your watch and put in on your other wrist without you knowing.
Do you know someone who has a ~magical touch~? What is it?
I am blessed with many people in my life who perform magic all the time. They can call or text or walk into the room and change the mood. National disasters become bearable because they are in my life.
What has been your favorite magical moment in your life so far?
The birth of each of my children was magical in its own way.