Retrospect(ive): Kreutz


What was your first CP year?

My first year was the first year!! What year was that? 2000? I was a baby. 

Who brought you into the CP family/ How did you get involved?

Steve Hughes and Morgan Hallett are responsible for roping me in. We were all in Chicago back then and traveled to NY to perform. We slept on Clare's floor and had the best week ever.

What has been the most memorable CP play you have seen or worked on and why? 

That first one was pretty remarkable (who wrote it? Steve, was that you?) I loved the character so much and the casting was bananas. I remember the energy in the room. And the laughter! Oh, the laughter... Because of that experience I dropped everything and moved to New York. So. That was impactful. And I met Adrianna Dufay and Christina Chang. I thought they were the most gorgeous and talented people I had ever encountered.I also have a memory of Jiffy's "Titanic" play- I thought it was brilliant. Oh, and I did a Bixby one over 10 years ago. I wanted to swim in it forever it was so delicious.

So you win the cherry pie, who are you sharing it with? 

Clare. I mean. Clare. She is the vision. She is the spirit, the soul, the jazz, the bubbly and cheese, the laugh, the guts, the dance. She moves too fast to actually sit and eat a cherry pie but she will relish every second she is with you and look into your eyes and make you feel seen and heard and overly celebrated. And then she will give the cherry pie to the homeless woman on the street and say to you "let's dance in the rain instead." And you do. 

CP gives me the courage to…

Be free. Go big. Be me.

What have you learned during quarantine that you’d like to carry with you in the future? 

Stretchy pants is what it's all about. And community. And deep listening.

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