SH*TSHOW - John Loonam!
9 DAYS TO GO! Single digits!! For our next blog highlight… John Loonam! It’s hard to remember a time BEFORE John P. Loonam was a Picker. Long-time writer and reading committee member, John makes CP what it is year after year. Here’s how he responded to our questions:
In your opinion, what’s the biggest sh*tshow of 2023?
I think you misunderstand the situation: There are no longer separate shitshows, some big, some small. We have entered a new phase, in which it’s all one giant shitshow. Kind of like transcending, but in reverse.
What’s your favorite mess to make?
From where I sit right now, I’d say it is my desk. But perhaps if I move to the kitchen, I’ll have a different answer.
Can you describe a time when you were left to clean up someone else’s mess?
I’m a cis-gendered, straight, white man living in the United States. Your question makes no sense to me.
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever kept in a bathroom?
The concept of weird disappears when you enter the bathroom,
What’s your biggest mistake that was worth making?
Loving that song. Or maybe just telling people that I loved it.
And of course, your favorite expletive upon witnessing a sh*tshow?
I think we have discussed this before, but I always appreciate the chance to stand up for “motherfucker.” So obscene but – speaking for the younger siblings of the world – so necessary.