Magical Thinking: NINA MEHTA!

What magical thinking have you engaged in lately? 

I think simply the act of living and loving right now is magical. There are so many legitimate and valid reasons to not believe in magic, that when we do it's wildly radical. So, every moment I have with my family, my niece and nephew, my friends, listening to music, dancing, being able to travel or move feels magical and freeing.


If you were a magician, what would be your best trick? 

Oooh, I think I would love to make things appear out of thin air. Like reach into my hat, because then I could pull out a heart and brain for the members of the Supreme Court and our Congress who decided to reverse Roe v. Wade and vote against a litany of other rights denying the existence and humanity of people in this country.


Do you know someone who has a ~magical touch~? What is it? 

My great-aunt. She seemed to have the ability to live truthfully, love and be kind to people, take care of her family, and not hurt anyone -- rather, be an inspiration to everyone who encountered her.


What has been your favorite magical moment in your life so far? 

So many, but honestly every moment I spend with my niece and nephew is magical in that you see your family history in little ways. Their faces, their expressions, things they say -- there is something deeply powerful in seeing the past reflected in the future. We are all so connected. I do wish we all focused on that more, myself included.

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