Magical Thinking: RILEY PAUL!
What magical thinking have you engaged in lately?
I’m a big believer in counting backwards. I don’t always count back from the same number. The number chooses me in the moment. But often it’s 25. And then, when I’m done counting, usually something magical has happened… like the rain has stopped or my food is done cooking. And if nothing magical has happened, then I can pick a new number and count again.
If you were a magician, what would be your best trick?
If I were a magician, I think I would want to be a mentalist and I would divine some inexplicably intimate and obscure fact about you, like the name of your childhood pet or the serial number on the dollar bill in your pocket.
Do you know someone who has a ~magical touch~? What is it?
My roommate is very good at keeping plants alive, which is magical to me because I have killed several succulents in my life (which are supposed to be indestructible). Either his touch is magical or mine is cursed.
What has been your favorite magical moment in your life so far?
Catching subway transfers the instant the train pulls into the station is always a magical moment and I never take it for granted.