Magical Thinking: GREG OWENS!
What magical thinking are you engaged in lately?
I'm currently engaged in magically thinking that one day my two daughters will win back autonomy over their bodies.
If you were a magician what would be your best trick?
I would rid the world of all magical thinking, including religion, allowing life on this planet to survive with freedom and dignity.
Do you know someone who has a 'magical' touch? What is it?
My dog. Flufferson Airplane, "Fluff" for short. His magic touch is knowing (and teaching) that you're always okay as long as you're loved and that nothing is ever more important than chasing a ball. Or rabbit.
What has been your favorite magical moment in your life so far?
I won't say my wedding or the births of my daughters because those things were intentional and natural, not magical. I don't believe in magic, and "magical thinking" isn't something I experience or seek. But every time I see my late grandmother's face in one of my daughters' I feel connected to the chain of individual and collective human effort that made it possible for the generations to survive and move forward, and that notion can seem magical because of its uncommon clarity.