"The barbarians are at the gates:" Constance Zaytoun on the election.
How hung over were you on November 9th?
So freakin' hungover! I had been bartending Election Tuesday and so I was still not fully aware of what was happening until I was about to close. I closed out and then a small group of us went next door to a wine bar. There I downed two Manhattans within 30 minutes; I'm sure I was trying to numb the stress & horror I felt! Then I went home and WAILED in my pillow and TOTALLY FREAKED OUT over what just happened and what was to come and how I could not believe how misogynistic our country is. I screamed "the barbarians are at the gates!" I think I scared Marc a little, but he supported me. Next day when I woke up (didn't really sleep much!), I prayed it was all a NIGHTMARE. Alas the nightmare was still with us. In solidarity, New York's skies cried that day. It was a very sad rainy day on November 9th...
Pussy bow or bare arms?
Pussy bows remind me too much of the current administration's fashion, so let's rock those bare arms and pant suits!
If DT wrote a play for CP, what would it be called?
Fight back in 140 characters or less...If you knew DT would see your tweet.
Resign! Russia needs you! They've got a gold palace, ruby toilet, and all the hookers you want if you leave NOW & take Pence with you!
Any bit of real news that you're still hoping is fake?
Pence is scared of women and hates homosexuals.
Beyoncé or Michelle 2020?
Hmmmm... think both of these women are too smart to want it.
Constance is back and better than ever! Don't miss her onstage on August 28th and 29th at Wild Project.
"I wish I was in Paris!"