Wendy Davis, Destiny' Child and Anna Baryshnikov.

Cherry Picking's favorite rebel, Anna Baryshnikov, shoots straight from the hip.

What was your anthem at sixteen?

Survivor by Destiny’s Child. I had survived literally nothing aside from middle school, but it got me amped. I was also listening to a lot of mopey-white-boy music at the time, but I pray even then I wouldn't have called any those songs my anthem. 

In the movie of your life, what song would score the montage of all the rebellious things you've done?

X Gon Give It To Ya - DMX

Favorite song of rebellion or revolution- the one that makes you roll down the car windows or turn up the volume?

Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield if we’re all being honest. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants was a personal revolution for me.

If you could perform any combat-boot-kicking song with any Cherry Picker, which song would you choose and with whom?

Run the World (Girls) by Beyonce with Bixby Elliot. 

Absolute rebel girl crush?

Wendy Davis

Three must-have summer songs on your playlist?

Tears Dry On Their Own - Amy Winehouse
Coming Home - Leon Bridges
I Feel the Earth Move - Carole King

Any additional comments?

Bixby knows what he did. 

This year as always we salute Anna and her continued work with mtp!.

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