ABC. Apple. Bellow. Cherry.
CP actor and curator, Lily Bellow, rocks Alanis to Beyoncé and everything in between.
What was your anthem at sixteen?
Probably something super angsty like Fiona Apple's "Paper Bag" or Rilo Kiley's "Execution of All Things." (I was a treat, just ask my parents!).
In the movie of your life, what song would score the montage of all the rebellious things you've done?
I would love to imagine that it's Kanye's "Can't Tell Me Nothing," but I'm probably more suited to Arcade Fire's "Rebellion."
Favorite song of rebellion or revolution- the one that makes you roll down the car windows or turn up the volume?
"All I Really Want" by Alanis Morissette. Nothing makes me belt it in the car like some straight up 90s girl rock.
If you could perform any combat-boot-kicking song with any Cherry Picker, which song would you choose and with whom?
Ooh such a good question! I'd have to probably say anything with Ryan Dieringer, or anything by Beyonce with my soul sister JJ Loonam. #summerofyonce
Absolute rebel girl crush?
Jane Fonda. Now and forever.
Three must-have summer songs on your playlist?
Hard to say what will emerge as THE summer song of 2016, but so far I have been playing the following on repeat:
-Drake's "One Dance"
-Beyonce's "All Night"
-Radiohead's "Burn the Witch"
Any additional comments?
Just a squeal of excitement. Can you hear that?
Don't miss Lily onstage at this year's CP.