Magical Thinking: ZEYNEP TURANLI!
What magical thinking have you engaged in lately?
That if I wish for it really really hard and despite all of the awful decisions our lawmakers have been making recently, the magical idea that we live in a fair and equal country will come true.
If you were a magician, what would be your best trick?
I already got that covered and I pull it out at parties all the time. I can make alcohol disappear!
Do you know someone who has a ~magical touch~? What is it?
My sister, every plant she touches, dies.
What has been your favorite magical moment in your life so far?
It would have to be my last trip to Istanbul. I hadn’t been back to Turkey in over a decade and to be there as an adult for the first time, I was truly able to appreciate the richness of our history and culture. It was genuinely magical.